Composition of the organ
The case rises between two pillars in the right transept. In the absence of a gallery, the organ is placed on a lead cover. The interior of the case contains 3,074 pipes. The instrument has 37 stops on four manuals and a pedalboard.
56-note keyboards: Positive, Great Organ, Bombard, Recital.
Bombard: Cornet V, Chamade 8, Chamade 4
Recital: Dulciane 8, Unda Maris 8, Gemshorn 4, Quarte 2, Piccolo 1, Human Voice 8
Positive: Bourdon 8, Flute 4, Nazard 2 2/3, Doublette 2, Tierce 1 3/5, Larigot 1 1/3, Full set of Cromorne V, Regale 8, Prestant 4
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